About & Services

Hello !
I'm Ons

I’m Building Digital Experience & Interface

I’m Ons Jannet, a fullstack engineer / Data Analyst currently living in Tunis, Tunisia.
I'm a finance graduate who decided to switch into tech. I currently work as a Data Analyst for MEDIBIO while finishing the Software Engineering track at Holberton School.


Over these past year, I really got into web developement. I’ve collaborate with teams — on site or remote — to build on a wide product range using a variety of technologies like blockchain technology, NFC ...

  • Blockchain Products

    Building and shipping ideas, from features to complete product.

  • Design System

    Working on your product concistency and helping others getting onboard.

  • Website

    Telling a story that will engage your target audience to your product.

  • Branding

    Creating a brand appealing to your users and customers that align your strategy.

Past Experience

Want to know more about my education and experience.

My Resume
& Process
Using the right tools with a well structured process leads to the collaboration’s success
  • 1.


    Gathering informations about your product and his goals. Researching your industry and competitors.

  • 2.


    Turning the research into a solution thats will meet your goals and will be efficient for your users.

  • 3.


    Combining the form and the function to make sure your user have a delightful experience.

  • 4.


    Following along the developpment to ensure that nothing was left on the side.

Lets work together 
Interested ?
Lets Get In Touch !

I’m open to freelance opportunities or remote position. Also feel free to reach out if you need a hand on your side / open source project. I’d would love to help

I’m usually active on Linkedin but you can stay in touch with me on Twitter and Instagram.
